Friday, April 23, 2010

Droga5 NY

I had a smile on my face the entire time I watched this ad. This commercial titled "Hardchorus" was released February of this year for Puma posing the question what do you do when Valentines Day falls on Match Day? They made it possible to send this video to people to show them how you felt on Valentine's Day. This ad connects soccer and romance by having soccer players and fans sing love songs that they would sing in the stands to the team. The large group of men is so into it that you can't help but love every minute of the ad. They made the ad interactive by allowing viewers to dedicate it to someone through email or facebook with their own personal messages. I think men can relate to this ad because they know the familiar feeling of having to choose between their girlfriend or wife and watching the game with their friends. The truth behind it is what makes this ad so great and with any luck gets someone out of trouble on Valentine's Day.

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